Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Our Time in the Hospital

I won't be as detailed about our stay in the Hospital as I was with the birth, but I wanted to keep record of a few things.

Quinton was so alert after he was born! Looking all around and was so calm. The perfect baby. We were an awesome team figuring out feeding right at the beginning. Things were going absoluetly perfect. That night we decided to let them take him to the nursery since we had been up all night.  After this, is when a lot of unfortunate events started to take place. They didn't bring Quinton back to me to feed him for over 5 hours. (which I thought was a long time but thought they knew what they were doing.) I couldn't get him to latch so the nurse told me she'd check his blood sugar and if he was ok we'd wait another hour and try again. Finally I woke up after 7 and I still hadnt fed Q since 11 the night before! I called the nursery asked to bring him back to me. They finally did after 9AM!!!!!!!!!! They had just started all of his morning tests and couldn't bring him to me until they were done. I was freaking out!!! Wellll long story short, we had a lot harder time getting him to latch on after that and was given a lot of formula.

Then we had a strict time limit to get him to pee since he hadn't yet.  He waited until our last hour to finally relieve himself! Unfortunately, they still took him from us, but for Jaundice. He had to hang out on the blue lights and we got to snuggle and feed him for only 45 minutes then take him back to the lights every few hours. Well in the middle of the night during feeding time, we went and got Quinton and right as I got started, I noticed that Quinton wasn't breathing normal. We immediately called the nurses in. After some tests, sure enough, Q couldn't maintain his oxygen levels on his own. He was taken to the NICU that night. There we stayed for a week waiting for baby Q to get stronger and get weened off the oxygen. There were some horrible and scary moments in there, but his jaundice wasn't as bad and we finally got to snuggle and hold our baby!!! I snuggled him almost the whole first day in the NICU. Even if the nurses got mad and told me he doesn't get the good rest he needs when he's held. But let me tell you what! After a long night of bawling my eyes out, holding my baby was exactly what I needed.

A total of 10 days at the Hospital and we finally got to take him home!! I was TERRIFIED but soooo blessed to have my mom AND annette stay and help me. It was really weird not staring at his monitors the whole time we held him, but it was also refreshing. He was healthy and finally home for good!!!

Quinton's bed in the NICU

The monitor we were constantly watching

The most perfect baby who smiled at me the first week of life!

We get to go home!!!!! 

Quinton's Birth Story

 Well here comes the birth story.  This is going to be my personal record of it, so it's going to be the long version. Also, I've been told all my life I sometimes share too much information and don't use my "filter".  Welllll, I don't want to filter this post, so I'm gonna share all the gross details I want and not even feel bad about it! So there's your warning!

Quinton's due date was November 20th, about a week before Thanksgiving. At my 39 week appointment (on November 13th) we decided to "strip my membranes" to help move things along. Well if you don't know what that means, you're not alone. I didn't either. I guess it's when the doctor separates the amniotic sac from the bottom of the uterus. I had heard it hurt so I was kind of nervous, but I wanted to do all that I could do to get him here a little sooner so we didn't ruin peoples plans.  Much to my surprise, didn't seem to hurt me at all, and I was then sent on my way.

That night I went to Target to get out of the house and to walk as much as I could to try to help induce labor. And thennnnn, I convinced Connor that night to go on a nice long walk with me before bed.  Felt good and tiring, but nothing happened. So, we came home, hung out for a bit and went to bed.

At 1:23am I was awakened suddenly with a weird feeling. I layed there for a second and slowly moved one leg. Suddenly I felt a slow leakage of some fluid. I quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I knew I my water had just broke!!!! I was sitting in there FREAKING out! My face turned bright red and I started to breath fast. I wasn't sure if I was ready!! But ready or not, this baby was coming!!! I got the leaking under control enough to go wake Connor up. I was standing at the bottom of the bed and said "hey honey....I'm pretty sure my water just broke." He opened his eyes real big and said, "ARE YOU SURE?!" We then began to finish getting our bag together and I called my mom and Connor's mom to tell them we were headed to the Hospital.

If you would have asked me if I thought my water would break naturally, I would have told you "no way jose." And let me tell you what! Its kinda gross. I couldn't seem to gain control over this leakage!! I wont gross you out more than that, but goooodness gracious. After we were checked into the Hospital the nurse came to test the fluid and make sure it was actually amniotic fluid. She got all of her stuff ready and as soon as she saw how much I had, she was like OOO yeah, that's your amniotic fluid alright! haha and started laughing and decided there was no need for the test. I swear I had gallons surrounding this kid. Probably broke some kind of record.

We got all checked into the Hospital and since my body was going into labor on its own they just waited to see how fast things would progress on their own. That allowed Connor and me to actually be able to take a nap. The contractions were starting to get pretty uncomfortable when they told me the anesthesiologist was available, so if I would like to get the epidural right then, I could. Soooo I did. I decided, if I KNEW I was going to get one, then why wait through all this pain? So I got one when I was only 3 cm dilated.  I got checked again at 1:00pm and I was STILL dilated at a 3. Now remember, I came into the hospital at about 2:30AM!!!! My body was taking forever!!! By this time my doctor was back on for his shift and came to check on me.  He noticed that part of the sac was still really full and Quinton's head was blocking it, so during one of the contractions he popped it. Which meant, MORE amniotic fluid EVERYWHERE. He said that that was keeping his head from moving down and things would start to move along a lot faster now. In the meantime they had been pumping the pitocin into me like nobodys business.

I remember I was talking to my mom on the phone (who was on her way from Idaho) when the labor really started to get hard.  My body would start shaking, and in the beginning, I could kind of calm my body down and stop them. But by this time, I couldn't control them anymore and my body was shaking uncontrollably.  The nurse said that can happen sometimes during hard labor.  I can't really remember the order of some things during this time, but during the hard labor, I threw up SEVERAL times, had a high fever and had to wear an oxygen mask. I always expected labor to be painful, but goodness, this was pretty unpleasant. I remember telling Connor that "this wasn't fun anymore and want to be done".

Throughout the entire pregnancy I could feel Quinton tucked on my right side. So, during labor he was still there, which meant, I had to lay on that side to keep track of the baby's heart beat.  I remember I wanted to turn over sooo badly.  Not to mention the epidural was making my right side pretty numb and I could feel everything on my left. Also, I'm no expert on delivering babies, but I kept telling Connor I didn't think the epidural was working very well. And the nurse would say, "trust me, you'd be in a lot more pain if it wasn't" Which made me want to punch the nurse in the face right then and there. The problem was, I didn't know if I wanted them to come give me more and become COMPLETELY numb for when it was time to push, but gosh, more relief would have been nice!

Again, I can't remember the order but at about 3:45pm I was finally dilated to a 9.  Sometime around this time the anesthesiologist came back and gave me a higher dose. I wanted to be able to feel at the end but I was hurting sooo badly. I can't remember if I eventually said yes, or if I groaned loud enough during a contraction that he did give me a bit more. Also, around this time they were really worrying about infection because my water had been broken for so long and my high temperature. They also discovered the baby was turned a little funny, so I had to lay on my side with a leg up for a while to help the baby turn. They also had to put some amniotic fluid BACK IN to help keep the baby's temperature down.  FINALLY, the doctor finally came in a little after 5pm to check everything out. At this point I KNEW I had better be at a 10 because I WAS READY TO GO!!!!  I was, he said the best words I had heard all day!! It's time to push!!! Before we started, the Doctor told me that because of the worry about infection, the baby's heart rate, and because meconium had been passed, the NICU doctors would be there during delivery and he would have to cut the umbilical cord instead of Connor to get Quinton to the NICU doctors as fast as he could.  I think I was in too much pain to really realize the seriousness of the situation. I just agreed and was ready to push. It was GAME TIME!  Now if you can believe it or not, that extra bit of epidural kicked in right before my first push. I couldn't feel that pushing urgency anymore. I was pretty ticked at the timing but maybe it was a blessing to not feel all that pain. After a few series of pushing, the Doctor told me they were going to have to use the vacuum because they needed to get Quinton out as fast as possible. I understood and with one last push, he came!! 5:30 pm my beautiful baby Quinton was born into this world!

Quinton was handed over to the NICU doctors right away.  They began doing all of their initial newborn testing. Quinton only passed 2/10. He wasn't breathing and had to be resuscitated by the doctors.  The doctor was stiching me back up and I didn't realize what was going on with Quinton. Connor on the other hand was standing there all alone watching our little baby have a really hard first couple of minutes. Slowly, but finally, Quinton passed all of the initial tests and weighed and measued him then finally gave him to Connor. Our little "mini Connor" was PERFECT!!

Right after delivery, puffy face and all!

Q had to stay naked to be on the lights. He didn't seem to mind.

Just a few hours before he was taken to the NICU

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Overall, being pregnant was a lot of fun. There were moments of pain and lots of discomfort, but overall, I felt awesome.  I was really lucky and didn't get sick. I got super hungry all the time and if I waited too long to eat I would start to feel sick. Buuuuut that would happen to me before I was pregnant anyway, it was just amplified, so I was used to it. I worked part time doing hair until 3 weeks before Quinton came. Most of my shifts were four hours long since standing on my feet for that long started to get pretty dang tiring. But I loved having something to do and doing hair. Then I had three weeks to enjoy getting everything baby ready! The best thing was that I felt Quinton move constantly and I NEVER got tired of it.  There would be times I'd be cutting someones hair and he'd start kicking really hard and I was certain that if the client were to look at my belly, they'd see it moving all around like crazy. It was a lot of fun. There was nothing that was more awesome than feeling him kick and move around in my belly!! My favorite was whenever I crossed my arms over my belly, Quinton would kick back. Needless to say, I had my arms crossed over my belly often.  Toward the end of the pregnancy I kept waiting for the feeling I kept hearing girls talk about when they were just" DONE being pregnant" and wanted their baby out because they felt so uncomfortable and miserable.  Well I remember at my doctors appointment the day before Quinton came the nurse called me back and asked how I was feeling.  I remember telling her that I honestly wished I felt worse to know it was getting closer. She just laughed at me and said she'd never heard anyone tell them they wished they felt worse. I seriously felt great all the way up until the day he came. I felt very blessed for such an easy, uncomplicated pregnancy.  

(These are some pictures Jenica took for me at 35 weeks pregnant so I would have some for memory.) 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


For Halloween this year we went to Trent and Jess's house.  We all really missed having Zeke and Porter around to go Trick or Treating with, so instead the party stayed home and gave candy to the super cute kids that came to the door.
This year for Halloween I was an Eight Ball and Connor was a Garden Gnome. 

The fun crowd this year.

Christof was Gru and Kendra as one of the little girls in Despicable Me.

Trent as Hot Rod, and Jess as the lovely ghost.

Our awesome pumpkins! Top Left to right: Christofs, Trents, Connors
Bottom Left to Right: Tyleens, Kendras, Jess, Mine

Connor's a Smarty Pants

Connor started Pharmacy School at University of Utah this year and before school started, he got his white coat at his White Coat Ceremony.

School has been going really well for Connor so far. He comes home and says he gets more and more glad that Pharmacy is what he will be doing.  He studies like crazy and when I help him go over his flash cards I sound like I can't read and I'm speaking another language. It's crazy all the information he has to learn, but he seems to love it and is doing really well!! I feel really lucky to have a husband that is so determined, enjoys learning and does so well in School.

Gwendalyn Rose Lander

My sweet niece Gwendalyn Rose Lander was born August 10, 2013. I couldn't have been more excited for a baby to come into the world!!! It was really fun being pregnant while Karissa was too. I would call and ask her a million pregnancy questions or just observe paying close attention knowing that in just 3 short months I'd be experiencing the same things. On Aug. 10, when we heard Karissa was going into the Hospital, Connor and I got in the car and headed down to Utah county!! we couldn't wait!! We ended up spending the rest of the day with Zeke and Porter until we were told we could come see the cute new member of the family!!
Zeke and Porter made cards for their baby sister

Have you ever seen a cuter little family?!

I am so lucky to have such cute nieces and nephews!!

No Work, and a lot of time on our hands!

Connor and I moved to Salt Lake City right after our Beach trip.  It's a great place right near campus so Connor can catch the bus and get to campus in just 5 minutes.  It is pretty much exactly like Wymount Terrace (BYU student married housing), just University of Utah's version. We still get the glory of having cinder block walls, and carpet that is so short and old that it feels like your sitting almost directly on concrete when you sit on the ground. BUUUUT, we have managed to turn it into our little home and love it!!

So since the whole month of July, Connor and I didn't have work or any other commitments, we were able to enjoy each day sleeping in, hanging out together and staying up really late watching movies or talking until we fell asleep.  I will never forget the July of 2013!! We were trying to decide if we should go on a cool trip before the baby came, but instead, having a whole month together doing pretty much nothing was way better, not to mention much cheaper.

One of the days I was feeling pretty restless and wanted to get out and do something, but felt limited because of how pregnant I was feeling.  So I looked up some family friendly, pregnant easy hikes around the area and found one!!!  So we were off to find the Cecret Lake. (pronounced like SECRET! which made it way more cool looking for the secret lake)

We brought picnic lunches!

And shared with this little guy

A pregnant picture at 25 weeks